Monday, January 16, 2012

Your Relationship with Food - Part 1

How many times have you been disappointed? 
Lured by the aroma of sugar and fat, you devour doughnuts, hamburgers and french fries. Ah the highs and then the lows as you come crashing down, disillusioned that you need more to feel better.

Or the "Food, I don't have time for you" cry of frustration as you order a pizza or Chinese take-out instead of cooking a healthful meal at home. You are tired and hungry at the end of a long day and can't imagine slicing, dicing, steaming, broiling and the worst part--cleaning up!

And the familiar complaint: "Food, you'll never be as good as my mother's! "  The comfort of spaghetti and meatballs, mashed potatoes, freshly baked bread and oh those warm cookies-- they conjure feelings of love, safety and satisfaction.

My solution?  View food as fuel.  When you consistently put low quality gasoline in your car, you notice when your engine doesn't start right away in the morning, or can't accelerate to pass that slow driver in front of you, or just conks out.  Start noticing how your body feels after you fill your tank with sugar and fat.

"If food isn't fuel, use the three-bite rule".

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